Es war einmal...

dríade... sometimes we feel we're driving nuts... sometimes we think we're getting lost... manchmal fürchtern wir, dass unser' zeit gegangen ist... manchmal wohlen wir, dass unser' träume in erfüllung gehen... a veces deseamos que nuestros mundos sean mejores... a veces parece que nuestros recuerdos son traicioneros... just sometimes... nur manchmal... solo a veces...

Friday, July 21, 2006


i know i promised i wouldn't cry and i failed... i wanted to say so many things but i couldn't find the right words when the perfect moment came...
from now on i'll walk all by myself and when closing my eyes i'll get enough strength to keep on... i'll take you apart and learn how to look at you without needing you... i'll learn how to deal with this feeling without breaking out...
i know i said i didn't care and i lied... i wished i could change the whole world but i couldn't even go the right way...
is this gonna last any longer? i can't anymore...


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