Es war einmal...

dríade... sometimes we feel we're driving nuts... sometimes we think we're getting lost... manchmal fürchtern wir, dass unser' zeit gegangen ist... manchmal wohlen wir, dass unser' träume in erfüllung gehen... a veces deseamos que nuestros mundos sean mejores... a veces parece que nuestros recuerdos son traicioneros... just sometimes... nur manchmal... solo a veces...

Saturday, April 21, 2007


the greatest challenge is the one you can't even realize is there... why? 'cause you are so distracted from what really matters or you are so into your own thoughts that you just don't care... and then, the unexpected happens...
life isn't easy, we just see the obvious and are prepared for that... so, when an extraordinary event occurs, we freeze and fall down...
that's why we have to keep on, be prepared and never forget the meaning of love and the feeling of being alive...
cada vez más cerca...


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